5 Second Rule

5 Second Rule
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Price: $ 29.95
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For 3-6 players aged 8+
Perfect for Sundays with the kids, and perfect for Saturday nights with your friends too! We can all get carried away with this game and sometimes we get very loud indeed!  Name 3 things - for example, that you brush, that you may find under the sofa, you can paint, and so on.  The longer you play, the more ridiculous the answers you come up with. I love it!
Lots of laughter and fun all round to be had with this fast paced game.  Players take it in turn in the ‘hot seat’ and the winner has 5 seconds to answer the question.  Moves can be made forward with a ‘pass on’ and ‘switch’ card, thing can become very confusing - in a fun way! It should be easy to name 3 breeds of dogs, but can you do it under the pressure of 5 seconds twisting down and with the other players staring at you, waiting for you to get flustered?
Time's not on your side, so just say what comes to mind and risk ridiculous answers slipping out as time twirls down on the unique twisted timer! There are opportunities to duck the question or give the card to your opponents using the SWITCH or PASS ON cards.
376 cards with 752 questions
Game board

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