Orchard Toys - Alphabet Lotto

Orchard Toys - Alphabet Lotto
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Price: $ 34.95
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For 2-5 players aged 3+
Learn the letters of the alphabet with this fun lotto game.
Try to be the first player to find all the cards that match the letters or pictures on your lotto board.
Manufactured by Orchard Toys

4 Games in 1

Setting up
Each player chooses a lotto board and places it in front of them, picture/letter side up.  The picture/letter cards are spread out, face down, on the table.

To be the first player to collect all the letter/picture cards on their lotto board.

To play (Game 1 with pictures)
The youngest player begins by picking up one of the picture cards from the table, showing it to all players.  If the card picked up matches a picture on their lotto board they cover that picture with the card, face up.

If it doesn’t match a picture on their lotto board, they return it, face down, to the table.  Play then continues in a clockwise direction with each player trying to collect the pictures shown on their lotto board.  The winner is the first player to cover all the pictures on their lotto board. 
To play (Game 2 with letters)
The game is played as above but players use the letter side of their lotto boards and the set of letter cards.  The winner is the first player to cover all the letters on their lotto board.

To play (Games 3 and 4 with letters and pictures)
The game is played as above but using the letter side of their lotto boards and the set of picture cards OR the picture side of their lotto boards with the letter cards.  The winner is the first player to cover either the letters, or the pictures, of their lotto boards.

5 lotto boards, 30 picture cards, 30 letter cards

This product comes in a retail box.


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