Blue Opal Who's Who Travel Version

Blue Opal Who's Who Travel Version
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Price: $ 12.95
Available 3 item(s) available

For children ages 6+ years
A game of hidden identity to discover the character on the card held by your opponent.
The players should sit opposite each other with a play unit each and the flaps in the upright position. Decide how many rounds you will play and which player is to start the first round.
The first player shuffles the character cards and then deals one card face down to themselves and one to their opponent. Both players then place the given card in the slot at the front of their play unit, so that they can see it, but their opponent cannot.
There are 18 different characters in the game. Each unit shows all 18 characters and it is up to each player to identify which character is held by their opponent through a process of elimination.
Starting with the dealer, each player on their turn may ask one question that can be answered ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ about the character on their opponent’s character card. The opponent must answer the question honestly and the player who asked the question may then be able to close some of the flaps in their playing unit where the character shown does not match the answer given.
For example: if a player has asked whether their opponent’s character was wearing glasses and the answer had been ‘No’, they would then be able to shut all the flaps on their play unit showing characters with glasses.
Play continues in this way until one of the players has only one flap left open on their playing unit. This player then calls out the name of this character and provided it is the one held by the opponent, they win the round. If the character does not match, the round is won by the opponent, they win the round. The winning player records the win. All the flaps are then returned to their upright position and the used character cards are returned to the pack. The cards are then reshuffled and a new card dealt to each player ready for the next round. The loser of the previous round then asks the first question and play continues as before.
The first player to make the agreed number of correct identifications is the winner.
Contents: 2 Play Units, Set of 18 Character Cards
This game comes in a sealed retail pack.

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