Codenames Disney

Codenames Disney
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Price: $ 44.95
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Available 1 item(s) available

For 2-8 players aged 8+
Two teams compete to be the first to identify all of their team's Treasure Cards displayed on the grid.  Only each teams' Cluemasters know the location of the Treasure Cards their team is trying to find.  They give clues in the form of a code word that will help their teammates find these Disney Treasures.  Be careful not to decipher a code incorrectly or you might help the other team.  It's a race to identify all of your team's Treasure Cards first.
Codenames, win or lose, figuring out the clues is great fun.  Add a wealth of Disney treasures and it's simply amazing!
200 treasure cards
60 key cards - 20 easy and 40 advanced
25 cover cards - 8 blue, 8 red, 7 neutral plus 1 extra
1 game over
1 custom stand
This game comes in a sealed retail box.

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