Pull Back Town Vehicles

Pull Back Town Vehicles
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Price: $ 49.95
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For ages 9 months +
Wheel them back to get new skills speeding ahead! The rev up mechanism inside each of these four cars and trucks makes it easy for babies and toddlers to get big acceleration with just a little input:
Pull back one of the soft vehicles - then release to see it zoom off across the floor!  The action of grasping and pulling back is great for fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination; the activity of driving and collecting (pull, release, crawl) benefits large muscle groups and coordination, too.
Get even more miles per gallon with a variety of colours, shapes and sizes, illustrated characters, and everyday themes to inspire conversations, cognitive connections, and imaginative play!
These soft fabric vehicles are bound to be popular at playtime, but with four exciting vehicles there are enough to share.
And parents and caregivers will be grateful for the removable wipe-clean wheelie insert and washable fabric surface!

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