Wacky Tobacky

Wacky Tobacky
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Price: $ 9.95
Available 1 item(s) available
ARB Games is unavailable to process orders until 8th May as the operator is away guiding trekkers in Nepal.

For 2-5 players 
The crazy game of pot slang!  A player rolls the dice and then selects two of the dice and announces a unique 2-word pot slang term.  This term must make sense to the other players.  The potleaf symbol is wild, and can be any word a player selects.  Players then take turns naming terms until someone repeats a term, cannot name a term, or names a term that everyone else thinks is bogus.  The round ends and the person making a mistake is assigned a dare from the other player of his choice.  After the dare has been done, the player begins the next round by rolling the dice.
This game comes in a sealed retail pack.

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